

其後自資購買房子、建造書架及在深圳書城訂購書籍寄回山區, 於2009年正式於翁源縣龍仙鎮成立 “燕云學與教資源中心”(總部),以紀念先父楊燕雲先生(又名楊若松),同時聘用一名退休老師協助管理,於每個星期六、日,免費開放予當地師生及家長借閱。十年來,楊女士繼續在粵北山區,推動生命教育,活出生命影響生命的意義,為以下目標作出持續的努力 :

  1. 建立書室,以推動山區學童廣泛閱讀
  2. 建立義工系統,推動服務他人精神及創意解難能力
  3. 支援英語學習,培訓老師及義教學童


Introduction to Yin Wan Education Fund

Ms. Jasmine C.H. Yeung, former Principal of HKMLC Queen Maud Secondary School, was born and raised in Hong Kong. In 2004, she was invited by the Hong Kong Education Bureau to share her experience as a Hong Kong high school principal in a Principal Development Program held in Shaoguan, Wengyuen. For ten years ever since, Ms Yeung has led exchange programs in schools of rural Wengyuen where HK students can interact with local students. On such occasions she would always bring English books with her for the students in rural areas.

In 2009, after purchasing an apartment in Longxian, Wengyuen and filling the place with bookshelves and books from Hong Kong, she established the first "Yin Wan Learning and Teaching Center". The name "Yin Wan" was chosen in memory of her father, who was born in Wengyuan but came to Hong Kong during 1950s. The centre is managed by a retired teacher, and open every weekend for free to local teachers, parents and students. In the past 10 years, Ms Yeung continues to enrich rural education through the following means:

  1. set up learning and teaching centres, to increase exposure and opportunities to read
  2. couple the learning centres with volunteer system, to help local students develop problem solving skills and a sense of serving others
  3. support English education through teacher development and volunteer teaching

To further advance the objectives set out above, Yin Wan Education Fund Limited was established under the laws of Hong Kong as a private company in early 2017, and has obtained the status as a tax-exempted charitable institution by the Inland Revenue Department. We accept donations from all individuals, with tax deductible receipts to be issued to any charitable donation above HK$100.

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